
Using Hadoop Distributed Cache





Hadoop has a distributed cache mechanism to make available file locally that may be needed by Map/Reduce jobs. This post tried to expand a bit more on the information provided by the javadoc ofDistributedCache

Use Case

Lets understand our Use Case a bit more in details so that we can follow-up the code snippets.
We have a Key-Value file that we need to use in our Map jobs. For simplicity, lets say we need to replace all keywords that we encounter during parsing, with some other value.

So what we need is

  • A key-values files (Lets use a Properties files)
  • The Mapper code that uses the code

Step 1

Place the key-values file on the HDFS

1.hadoop fs -put ./keyvalues.properties cache/keyvalues.properties

This path is relative to the user's home folder on HDFS

Step 2

Write the Mapper code that uses it

01.publicclassDistributedCacheMapperextendsMapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, Text> {
03.Properties cache;
06.protectedvoidsetup(Context context)throwsIOException, InterruptedException {
08.Path[] localCacheFiles = DistributedCache.getLocalCacheFiles(context.getConfiguration());
10.if(localCacheFiles !=null) {
11.// expecting only single file here
12.for(inti =0; i < localCacheFiles.length; i++) {
13.Path localCacheFile = localCacheFiles[i];
14.cache =newProperties();
18.// do your error handling here
24.publicvoidmap(LongWritable key, Text value, Context context)throwsIOException, InterruptedException {
25.// use the cache here
26.// if value contains some attribute, cache.get(<value>)
27.// do some action or replace with something else

Mapper code is simple enough. During the setup phase, we read the file and populate the Properties object. And inside the map() we use the cache to lookup for certain keys and replace them, if they are present.

Step 3

Add the properties file to your driver code

1.JobConf jobConf =newJobConf();
2.// set job properties
3.// set the cache file
4.DistributedCache.addCacheFile(newURI("cache/keyvalues.properties#keyvalues.properties"), jobConf);







DistributedCache是Map/Reduce框架提供的功能,能够缓存应用程序所需的文件 (包括文本,档案文件,jar文件等)。


Map-Redcue框架在作业所有任务执行之前会把必要的文件拷贝到slave节点上。 它运行高效是因为每个作业的文件只拷贝一次并且为那些没有文档的slave节点缓存文档。

DistributedCache根据缓存文档修改的时间戳进行追踪。 在作业执行期间,当前应用程序或者外部程序不能修改缓存文件。

distributedCache可以分发简单的只读数据或文本文件,也可以分发复杂类型的文件例如归档文件和jar文件。归档文件(zip,tar,tgz和tar.gz文件)在slave节点上会被解档(un-archived)。 这些文件可以设置执行权限

用户可以通过设置mapred.cache.{files|archives}来分发文件。 如果要分发多个文件,可以使用逗号分隔文件所在路径。也可以利用API来设置该属性:DistributedCache.addCacheFile(URI,conf)/DistributedCache.addCacheArchive(URI,conf)andDistributedCache.setCacheFiles(URIs,conf)/DistributedCache.setCacheArchives(URIs,conf)其中URI的形式是hdfs://host:port/absolute-path#link-name在Streaming程序中,可以通过命令行选项-cacheFile/-cacheArchive分发文件。

用户可以通过DistributedCache.createSymlink(Configuration)方法让DistributedCache当前工作目录下创建到缓存文件的符号链接。 或者通过设置配置文件属性mapred.create.symlinkyes。 分布式缓存会截取URI的片段作为链接的名字。 例如,URI是hdfs://namenode:port/lib.so.1#lib.so, 则在task当前工作目录会有名为lib.so的链接, 它会链接分布式缓存中的lib.so.1

DistributedCache可在map/reduce任务中作为 一种基础软件分发机制使用。它可以被用于分发jar包和本地库(native libraries)。DistributedCache.addArchiveToClassPath(Path, Configuration)DistributedCache.addFileToClassPath(Path, Configuration)API能够被用于 缓存文件和jar包,并把它们加入子jvm的classpath。也可以通过设置配置文档里的属性mapred.job.classpath.{files|archives}达到相同的效果。缓存文件可用于分发和装载本地库。




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